July Spotlight: Tutti


Queen of the Castle


We love animals of all kinds at Dolittle’s, so we’re putting the spotlight on some of our favorite pets! Each month, we’ll be highlighting one of our lovable pet employees for you to get to know. We’ll get to see the world through their perspective by discussing things like how they came to live with their humans. They'll give us the inside scoop on what pet life is really all about.

Up first, we have Jessie from our Mount Pleasant store and her feline companion, the very regal, Tutti.

Dolittle’s: “So, tell us, Tutti, how old are you and how long have you and Jessie been together?”

Tutti: “I am a graceful 11 years-old, and have been with my human since I was only 2 months old.”

D: “That’s a long time together, you must be very close. How did you and Jessie find each other?”

T: “My human first saw me looking exceptionally cute in my cage at an animal shelter in Boston, MA. Luckily for me, she decided to adopt me and we’ve been together ever since!”

D: “It sounds like you were both lucky. What kind of animal do you identify as?”

T: “I am the superior species and Queen of all that I survey. But you may call me a cat, if you must.”

D: “Duly noted, Your Majesty. What are some of your hobbies? Y’know, while you’re not overseeing your kingdom.”

T: “My ideal day involves eating, napping in the sunshine, and snuggling with my human. Repeat.”

D: “Seems pretty simple, yet fulfilling. Jessie probably spends a lot of time away from you so that she can be at her job. What is your favorite thing about Dolittle’s?”

T: “My favorite thing about Dolittle’s is their catnip toys (especially my rainbow!), and the feather wands –they’re SO much fun!”


Tutti’s Beloved Rainbow


D: “Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today, Tutti. We appreciate it!”


Be on the lookout for Tutti’s doodle in Dolittle’s. She convinced us to place her favorite toys on sale this month.

Stay tuned for more of Dolittle's pet interviews in the coming months. Pets talk, we listen.