Small Batch

Food Focus: The Antidote to Big Food


The right food for right now. At Dolittle’s we are obsessed with finding the optimal diets for our pets. Of course when we say “our pets” we mean “your pets.” Lately we have been taking a deeper look at the digestive needs of cats and dogs. Spoiler alert: carbs are bad. We have been just as perplexed as you when our veterinarian suggests that we feed grain inclusive over grain free. Like you, we’re wondering what is the value of one carb source over another? Ultimately, we can not find enough evidence out there to support the value of grain based foods over grain free. We have however found lots of evidence that supports moving away from kibble foods all together. Enter: Small Batch.

Let’s jump into your pets gut. Turns out it’s pretty acidic in there. It’s more acidic than humans or herbivores. Add to that some obvious physiological attributes like: razor sharp teeth, jagged molars, bone crushing jaw strength, four legs and claws and it’s clear to see we’re dealing with a carnivore. Carnivores do not hunt carbohydrates. The need for carbs in your pet's diet is near zero. We’ll say that again: your pet requires nearly zero carbohydrates. If we want to be generous we can say that 12 to 15 percent carbohydrate would be acceptable. But that is being very generous. Want to take a guess at the carbohydrate content of dry food? At best (and Dolittle’s sells the best) it’s around 23 to 25 percent. At worst, we’re looking at you grocery store foods, it's in the upper 40s! Nearly 4 times the daily need.


What happens to your pet’s body when you feed 4 times the carbohydrate needed? Turns out a myriad of troubles can result from excessive carbs. The obvious ones are weight gain, lethargy, liver and kidney troubles, and less obvious ones like gunky teeth (that’s the medical term, gunky) dry coat, itchy skin, excessive poops, and constant panting. It’s time to cut the carbs.

Small Batch is one of our best frozen food options. They are a family run small business (hmm, that sounds familiar) with a mission to provide the best ingredients from local sources. Because Small Batch is a frozen food there is very little processing needed to create the product. This means your pet will be getting fresh meats and veggies in a convenient serving. Vegetables that are GMO free, organic, and rich with vitamins and minerals. In fact because of the high value of their vegetables they can avoid adding synthetic vitamins to their food. What an idea - eat your vitamins. It isn’t just the vegetables that are coming from quality local sources, their protein is too. Their meats come from small humane farms and they are hormone and antibiotic free.

While we believe that moving to a 100% raw food diet is the way to optimal health for both cats and dogs we do understand the inherent difficulties to do so. Our own pets have thrived on raw foods. We have seen the differences in switching and have heard numerous customers tell us their success stories. So while it might present some challenges everyone will benefit from the change. Especially your pet. And here’s a little more good news: you don’t have to go all-in. If you can replace just 10% of your pet’s diet with raw food you can help extend their life. Not only will you help them live longer but they will live better because many of their carb-centric troubles will go away. It’s easy to do. Simply replace some kibble with fresh frozen food when you feed your pet.

Small Batch also offers gently cooked options as well as freeze dried. Visit Dolittle’s today to learn more about the benefits of raw feeding. We even have some samples for your pet to try!

Ric Sommons